GF_EXPORT const char * | gf_gpac_version () |
GF_EXPORT const char * | gf_gpac_copyright () |
GF_EXPORT const char * | gf_gpac_copyright_cite () |
GF_EXPORT u32 | gf_gpac_abi_major () |
GF_EXPORT u32 | gf_gpac_abi_minor () |
GF_EXPORT u32 | gf_gpac_abi_micro () |
GF_EXPORT u32 | gf_sys_clock () |
| System clock query. More...
GF_EXPORT u64 | gf_sys_clock_high_res () |
| High precision system clock query. More...
Bool | gf_sys_enable_remotery (Bool start, Bool is_shutdown) |
GF_EXPORT void | gf_sleep (u32 ms) |
| Sleeps thread/process. More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_rand_init (Bool Reset) |
| PseudoRandom Integer Generation Initialization. More...
GF_EXPORT u32 | gf_rand () |
GF_EXPORT void | gf_utc_time_since_1970 (u32 *sec, u32 *msec) |
| gets UTC time More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_get_user_name (char buf[1024]) |
GF_EXPORT char * | my_str_upr (char *str) |
GF_EXPORT char * | my_str_lwr (char *str) |
static void | init_keyboard () |
static void | close_keyboard (Bool new_line) |
GF_EXPORT void | gf_prompt_set_echo_off (Bool echo_off) |
| turns prompt echo on/off More...
GF_EXPORT Bool | gf_prompt_has_input () |
| Prompt checking. More...
GF_EXPORT char | gf_prompt_get_char () |
| Prompt character flush. More...
GF_EXPORT GF_Err | gf_prompt_get_size (u32 *width, u32 *height) |
| Get prompt TTY size. More...
GF_EXPORT struct tm * | gf_gmtime (const time_t *time) |
| gets time from UTC timestamp More...
GF_EXPORT Bool | gf_log_use_file () |
| Checks if logs are stored to file. More...
static void | progress_quiet (const void *cbck, const char *title, u64 done, u64 total) |
void | gpac_disable_progress () |
GF_EXPORT Bool | gf_sys_is_test_mode () |
| checks if test mode is enabled More...
GF_EXPORT Bool | gf_sys_old_arch_compat () |
| checks if compatibility with old arch is enabled More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_log_reset_file () |
| Resets log file Resets log file if any log file name was specified, by closing and reopening a new file. More...
Bool | gf_sys_has_filter_global_args () |
Bool | gf_sys_has_filter_global_meta_args () |
GF_EXPORT GF_Err | gf_sys_set_args (s32 argc, const char **argv) |
| System arguments. More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_sys_mark_arg_used (s32 arg_idx, Bool used) |
| Mark arg as used. More...
GF_EXPORT Bool | gf_sys_is_arg_used (s32 arg_idx) |
| Check if arg is marked as used. More...
GF_EXPORT u32 | gf_sys_is_quiet () |
| checks if running in quiet mode More...
GF_EXPORT u32 | gf_sys_get_argc () |
| Get number of args. More...
GF_EXPORT const char ** | gf_sys_get_argv () |
| Get program arguments. More...
GF_EXPORT const char * | gf_sys_get_arg (u32 arg) |
| Get number of args. More...
GF_EXPORT const char * | gf_sys_find_global_arg (const char *arg) |
| Locate a global filter arg. More...
const char * | gf_log_tool_name (GF_LOG_Tool log_tool) |
| Log tool name. More...
const char * | gf_log_level_name (GF_LOG_Level log_level) |
void | gpac_rmt_log_callback (void *cbck, GF_LOG_Level level, GF_LOG_Tool tool, const char *fmt, va_list vlist) |
static void | gpac_rmt_input_handler (const char *text, void *context) |
GF_EXPORT GF_Err | gf_sys_profiler_set_callback (void *udta, gf_rmt_user_callback usr_cbk) |
GF_EXPORT GF_Err | gf_sys_profiler_log (const char *msg) |
GF_EXPORT GF_Err | gf_sys_profiler_send (const char *msg) |
GF_EXPORT void | gf_sys_profiler_enable_sampling (Bool enable) |
GF_EXPORT Bool | gf_sys_profiler_sampling_enabled () |
GF_EXPORT GF_Err | gf_blob_get_ex (GF_Blob *blob, u8 **out_data, u32 *out_size, u32 *out_flags) |
GF_EXPORT GF_Err | gf_blob_get (const char *blob_url, u8 **out_data, u32 *out_size, u32 *out_flags) |
GF_EXPORT GF_Err | gf_blob_release_ex (GF_Blob *blob) |
GF_EXPORT GF_Err | gf_blob_release (const char *blob_url) |
GF_EXPORT char * | gf_blob_register (GF_Blob *blob) |
GF_EXPORT void | gf_blob_unregister (GF_Blob *blob) |
GF_EXPORT GF_BlobRangeStatus | gf_blob_query_range (GF_Blob *blob, u64 start_offset, u32 size) |
void | gf_init_global_config (const char *profile) |
void | gf_uninit_global_config (Bool discard_config) |
GF_Config * | gf_sys_get_lang_file () |
GF_EXPORT const char * | gf_sys_localized (const char *sec_name, const char *key_name, const char *def_val) |
static void | gf_sys_refresh_cache () |
GF_EXPORT GF_Err | gf_sys_init (GF_MemTrackerType mem_tracker_type, const char *profile) |
| System setup. More...
void | gf_net_close_capture () |
GF_EXPORT void | gf_sys_close () |
| System closing. More...
Bool | gf_sys_get_rti_os (u32 refresh_time_ms, GF_SystemRTInfo *rti, u32 flags) |
GF_EXPORT Bool | gf_sys_get_rti (u32 refresh_time_ms, GF_SystemRTInfo *rti, u32 flags) |
| Gets Run-Time info. More...
const char * | gf_get_default_cache_directory_ex (Bool do_create) |
GF_EXPORT const char * | gf_get_default_cache_directory () |
GF_EXPORT Bool | gf_sys_get_battery_state (Bool *onBattery, u32 *onCharge, u32 *level, u32 *batteryLifeTime, u32 *batteryFullLifeTime) |
GF_EXPORT void | gf_net_set_ntp_shift (s32 shift) |
| offsets NTP time by a given amount of seconds More...
GF_EXPORT void | gf_net_get_ntp (u32 *sec, u32 *frac) |
| gets NTP time More...
GF_EXPORT u64 | gf_net_get_ntp_ts () |
| gets NTP time More...
GF_EXPORT s32 | gf_net_ntp_diff_ms (u64 ntp_a, u64 ntp_b) |
GF_EXPORT s32 | gf_net_get_ntp_diff_ms (u64 ntp) |
GF_EXPORT u64 | gf_net_get_ntp_ms () |
| gets NTP time in milliseconds More...
GF_EXPORT s32 | gf_net_get_timezone () |
| gets timezone adjustment in seconds More...
GF_EXPORT Bool | gf_net_time_is_dst () |
| gets timezone daylight saving time status More...
static time_t | gf_mktime_utc (struct tm *tm) |
GF_EXPORT u64 | gf_net_parse_date (const char *val) |
| parses date More...
GF_EXPORT u64 | gf_net_get_utc_ts (u32 year, u32 month, u32 day, u32 hour, u32 min, u32 sec) |
| returns 64-bit UTC timestamp from year, month, day, hour, min and sec More...
GF_EXPORT u64 | gf_net_ntp_to_utc (u64 ntp) |
| converts an ntp timestamp into UTC time in milliseconds More...
GF_EXPORT u64 | gf_net_get_utc () |
| gets UTC time in milliseconds More...
GF_EXPORT GF_Err | gf_bin128_parse (const char *string, bin128 value) |
| parses 128 bit from string More...
GF_EXPORT GF_Err | gf_file_load_data_filep (FILE *file, u8 **out_data, u32 *out_size) |
| reads a file into memory More...
GF_EXPORT GF_Err | gf_file_load_data (const char *file_name, u8 **out_data, u32 *out_size) |
| reads a file into memory More...
GF_EXPORT u32 | gf_sys_get_process_id () |
| Gets process ID. More...
GF_EXPORT Bool | gf_sys_check_process_id (u32 pid) |
| Checks a process is valid. More...
GF_EXPORT GF_LockStatus | gs_sys_create_lockfile (const char *lockname) |
| Creates a lock file. More...
GF_EXPORT int | gf_getch () |
| Portable getch() More...
GF_EXPORT Bool | gf_read_line_input (char *line, int maxSize, Bool showContent) |
| Reads a line of input from stdin. More...
GF_EXPORT GF_Err | gf_creds_check_password (const char *user, char *password) |
GF_EXPORT Bool | gf_creds_check_membership (const char *username, const char *users, const char *groups) |